Open Offshore Bank Account Online in OCBC Bank and DBS Bank Singapore
In response to the unpredicted outbreak of the COVID-19, two of the largest Singapore bank partners, DBS and OCBC banks have now started offering favorable solutions such as opening an offshore bank account online to support clients and customers globally. As of now, customers can enjoy contact-free banking services without the fear of infection. Customers can easily open their international or offshore corporate bank account online.
Offshore Bank Account Opening through video conferencing
As both banks, DBS and OCBC have started opening bank accounts digitally, customers no longer have to book a flight to Singapore to open an offshore bank account for their business.
To make the process even simpler for business founders and owners, both banks have temporarily replaced physical bank visits with video conferencing. As all borders were sealed due to COVID-19, these banks gave a sense of relief to businesses to continue their activities.
If you are searching to open an offshore corporate bank account in Singapore, these two banks would be your best choice because you are no longer required to visit a branch physically. All transactions will be handled online, from applying for a bank account to submitting documents to the bank for approval. However, this decision may be temporary due to COVID-19 and subject to change. Please understand that the banks reserve the right to request physical branch visits even after your business opens an account in Singapore. We’ll do our best to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information for your business.
If you need professional assistance to get introduced to these banks, Startupr can help . We will assist you in completing the application to open a corporate bank account (with OCBC and DBS Banks) in Singapore. We have the expertise and connection with the banks to drive the most desirable results. For more information about how to open an offshore account, check here!
Digital Solutions for Other Banking Services
It is evident that people feel unsafe when arranging an in-person meeting or visiting a branch to open a bank account. In order to curb the spread of COVID-19, banks have started offering digital solutions for other banking services. Now, clients can conveniently and quickly open a business bank account and start operating their business activities without any hassle.
If you want to open an offshore bank account in Singapore, OCBC bank have made it easier to operate your business transaction by partnering with 3rd parties to curate a diverse digital solution option. For OCBC bank accounts, start using Velocity@OCBC (Business Internet Banking) and OCBC Business Mobile Banking App to manage business accounts and transactions securely and safely online.
Along the same line, DBS bank has also started encouraging the customer to use the corporate online banking platform DBS IDEAL where possible. This platform will help minimize the physical contact and eliminate the need for manual processing of trade financing solutions.
How can Startupr help you?
If you need any assistance from scheduling the video conference meeting with the Singapore corporate banks or preparing documents to open a bank account, Startupr can help you. For more details, contact us, and our team will help you resolve all your queries!