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Hong Kong Company Registration

Do you know what opening a HK business requires? 

Minimum members

At least one member is required in order to start a business in Hong Kong. This person must be willing to take up at least one share of the company.

Company Name

The name of your company can be either in English or in Chinese or in both – an English name and a Chinese name. However, the name cannot be a combination of Chinese and English characters. 

Additionally, the company name must end with “limited”.

Company Registration Number

The Companies Registry assigns a registration number to every company. It’s the company’s identification number and shall be used in every communication with the Companies Registry.

Business Registration Number

The BRN is the number on your company’s business certificate. Inland Revenue Department uses this number in respect of the issuance of e.g. profits tax return, employer’s return, etc.

Every company  incorporated in Hong Kong is required to have a registered office as from the date of incorporation.

Startup Hong Kong Limited

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