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CR news-statistics of first half of 2015

As the company secretary, we are happy to announced that statistics for the first half of 2015 released by the Companies Registry on 12 July 2015:

Total number of local companies registered under the Companies Ordinance(until June 2015) 1,279,819(7,126 more than end of 2014)
Number of local companies newly registered during first half of 2015 70,894(17,781 were incorporated online at e-Registry)
Total number of registered non-Hong Kong companies(until June 2015) 9,850(increased 4.43% year-on-year)
Non-Hong Kong companies newly registered during the first half of 2015 416
Number of change on assets in first half 10,013(decreased 5% from end of 2014)
Number of notifications of payments and release received for registration(first half of 2015) 11,499
Number of documents delivered for registration(first half of 2015) 1,323,914(1,313,158 in second half of 2014)
Number of searches of document image records in e-registry (first half of 2015) 1,943,310(increase of 3.82 % : 1,871,849 in the second half of 2014)
Daily average searches conducted through CR Company Search Mobile Service Over 7,000
Number of forms available on e-registry 84

Companies can be set up within 3-5 hours due to the online system!



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